Acronyms and what we say and what they mean

- SCOP (seasonal coefficient of performance): overall efficiency of the system.

- COP (coefficient of performance): efficiency of the system at any given time.

- Rads: radiators.

- UFH: underfloor heating.

- Flush/power flush/mains flush: cleaning the system by flushing water through it.

- Anti-freeze valves: valves that open if outside pipework goes below freezing to release water from the heat pump as a protection device.

- Microbore: pipework below 15mm diameter.

- Monoblock: a heat pump with most components in the external unit.

- Cylinder/unvented cylinder: hot water storage.

- Heat loss: a calculation that determines the power required for each room.

- Primaries/primary pipework: pipework between the heat pump and cylinder.

- Heat Geek: These are our Installers

- MCS: Microgeneration Certification Scheme 

- DNO: Distribution Network Operator 

- BUS: Boiler Upgrade Scheme